Monday 23 January 2012

ooh, a busy night for learning - hedgehogs and ipads

oh, today I've been up to lots - I got my ipad!! yippee - so I'd learning how to download stuff - open university, games, books - oh, it's going to be fun.

I also was researching african pygmy hedgehogs. A friend will give me one for the boys - but do I really want to clean up after anotehr pet, and have another lonely pet waiting for me to sit down and cuddle?  hmmm, but they are soooo cute...I thought they just ate bugs, but they eat catfood (which is much more manageable). They are nocturnal - which is not good -- but they are supposed to smell less than rodents. They are supposed to litter trained....but they get fat and lonely if they don't get exercise, and they are supposed to need 4 feet of space to play in. The trouble with looking at hedgehog sites is that they are written by fans - they people who aren't going to tell you if they're mean, biting or bad tempered.  Hmm. more to think about there too.

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